

 I love my life

Love the wombyn/sisters in my world - love the men who embody the healthy masculine. Love my family by blood and the family with whom I sit in fire and ceremony

I love my life: the ancient and modern rituals I’m privileged to incorporate into this world. Love the blessings that poured down as the skies and dimensions opened — lifting layers of illusion, deception, and haze. I am but a humble baby on my path — grateful for each day I have the opportunity and privilege to show up in service: walking closer and closer to a path of alightnment with my highest self and g-d.

And in the process I recognize that I am flawed. That I am human. That I will fall down — but I will not allow the falls to define who or what I am. I am the strength that I gain each time I stand back up. I am the wisdom earned each time I correct an error. I am grateful for each vulnerability, for there in lies the potential to expand - the opportunity to grow and evolve. I am grateful for the many chances we are gifted to continue to learn the lessons that most impact our souls. I commit myself to this path of unconditional love - for all is lovable (even our flaws), as everything is love

A personal mantra that came through during ceremony:
✨May I dissolve completely, so all that remains is a perpetual symbol of gratitude ✨
I sat with repeating this mantra for what felt like at least 20 mins to an hr (hard to say in the place of no time)... but if it resonates, try it on as a Japa meditation. I was blown away by the layers that these simple words illuminated and pulled back