Choices and Change:
from Fear and Contraction to Liberation
Often before big choices/opportunities we experience fear, contraction, resistance, even anxiety. We can easily misinterpret these sensations and emotions as signals that we should stop or give up, or as signs that we are on the wrong path. In reality, the opposite is true. When we can sit with these pain points, and move through them, we can find ourselves one step further along our path of evolution toward contentment. If we keep running away and distracting from the pain, we’ll continue to find ourselves in the same discomfort but different scenarios over and over until we finally address the root.
May we sit in discomfort, recognizing it is illuminating opportunities for change. May we look for the message the pain holds, becoming aware of the need longing to be met that the pain aims to expose. May we become energetically and emotionally literate, adjusting accordingly to the messages of our subtle bodies. May the actions we take propel us towards deeper levels of alignment and wholeness. May our wholeness be inspirational and contagious — as we sit in our discomfort to move towards liberation, may we offer refuge for our souls and the spirits of all beings to honor the call of the heart. As we inhabit a more heart-centric society, may we know love. And as we know love, may all beings know peace.